Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fourth Time Reading Through Ephesians

1) OUR FAITH IN GOD AND LOVE FOR PEOPLE. Chapter 1:15 "I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints." This is a very important truth. We are to have FAITH in god and iin what He can do in our lives and situations. And at the same time we are to have LOVE for all the saints. I love the word all. It literally means, ALL. We are to have and show love to everyone. To love someone means to show it in our actions, speech and thought. It is amazing how many people are rude and treat others harshly and then justify it by saying "You might not like what I am saying, but I am doing it because I love you." Well, just so you know. That will never fly with God. If you are harsh with people then you need to know that God is not interested in your reasons why. He is interested in why you are treating His people harshly. So, the answer is to renew your mind and get a big dose of Love and GRACE from God. Because people ultimately treat people like they think God treats them. So, for all you harsh people....God loves you, wants to pour Grace upon you, and He wants you to in turn give that Love to others. Blessings,

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