Thursday, November 10, 2011

Commissioning New Leaders November 20th

We are so excited to be Commissioning our new group of Leaders at Jake's House. These people have been on a journey towards leadership which includes attending the "Enrichment" Class, serving in a ministry and developing their character and leadership abilities. One of my jobs (more of a calling) is to help people on their journey from "Potential Leader" to "Leader."

One of my friends sent an email out today that had the following words.."Go back to Your Dream and Stir it Up." That is a good word for today.. What are those dreams that God has given you? Have you let them die? Stir them back up and watch them live again.

Pastor Terry

1 comment:

  1. Right on PT. We are excited about what God will doing in our lives and all @ Jake's House.
    Dave and Andi J.
