Monday, November 14, 2011

‎'I have learned'-Contentment in every condition is a great art, a spiritual mystery. It is to be learned, and to be learned as a mystery. - Jeremiah Burroughs (Puritan Preacher of the 1600's). What a great thought....Contentment is an art form yet it is learned. It is a spiritual mystery,and at the same time it is developed. Jeremiah Burroughs lived in a time that was very difficult and people need needed to learn contentment in order to survive. Unfortunately, people who live in times where everything is good fail to develop the art of contentment. It is even more important for us to develop the idea of contentment when things are going good so that when something difficult are we are already prepared and ready to be content.

As a leader, it is very important that we learn to be content in every situation. I am not talking about complacency. I am talking about developing the ability to find happiness in Christ in every phase of life and every situation that arises. 1 Timothy 6:6 in the Amplified Version says "[And it is, indeed, a source of immense profit, for] godliness accompanied with contentment (that contentment which is a sense of [a]inward sufficiency) is great and abundant gain."

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